For the service booking search astrologer using the Astrologer button.

You can see all the astrologer list below

You can also short astrologer by name, city, language. It helps to choose the best astrologer. In this page astrologer's name, languages, ratings, and review are present. So, you can select the best astrologer for your service.

After selecting the astrologer press services button.

In the astrologer page, you can see astrologer's details. Study certificate, experience in this field, ratings, awards like these details.

At the bottom, they displayes his services and price of the services.

Now click on my report button for taking services.

Select family members for which you want to take services. 

Select the services and write the question in the boxes are below of the services.

Now see the total amount and press the Submit button.

Select payment method from Razor pay or Paypal anyone of them.

The order list is generated with contains service details, price details, total amount.

Click on the confirm payment button.

Then fill all the details in this popup.

Then service is successfully created.